For the love of leather

Ashley Clarke England is my dedicated brand for fine, handcrafted leather goods, and the sister company to my world-renowned falconry supplies business

Every item I craft, from bags to belts, starts with a careful choice of leather. When I select materials, I want to see a traditional look and feel, earthy tones such as tans and browns, and plenty of character. I search tanneries far and wide to find the right leather for each design, from Badalassi Carlo in Tuscany and Horween Leather Co. in Chicago, to J.E. Sedgwick in Walsall and other time-honoured tanneries around England. 

My leather goods are built to last, functional and informed by heritage. The items I craft need to look good, but I also want them to perform for years, a lifetime or even across generations. I work with the leather’s natural structure, use heavy hides that need no support to keep their form, and create products that are robust enough for everyday use – or for out-of-the-ordinary adventures.

Land and sky

It was the love of falconry that led me to the craft of leatherworking. I started flying hawks at the age of eleven, with my dad, in the Lincolnshire countryside. We made our own falconry equipment at the kitchen table, cutting leather pieces using templates and a Stanley knife. 

Fresh from studying at agricultural college, I went travelling in Canada and discovered the raw beauty of its extreme wilderness and rugged landscapes. I came back inspired, found work flying hawks – and I kept making leather equipment to better and better standards. Fellow falconers started asking me to make bespoke equipment for their birds, and in 2009, a business was born: A Clarke Falconry England.

I gradually acquired the skills and resources to master my craft as a leatherworker. Once I was established as a trusted, leading name in falconry supplies, the next step was to start making products that all kinds of people could use every day, including belts, bags, briefcases and accessories.

My experience in falconry supplies has made me the leatherworker I am today. When you’re used to making gloves tough enough to withstand the talons of hawks and eagles, it’s second nature to make leather items that are built to last. You’ll find a nod to my falconry roots in the falcon-shaped logo displayed on all of my leather goods.

Spreading my wings

Ashley Clarke England launched in 2021 as the go-to destination for my luxury, handcrafted leather lifestyle products. It has already been an extraordinary journey, made possible through my relationships with leather suppliers around the country.

Visiting a traditional tannery is like stepping back in time. As a leatherworker, you enter the building in wonder and awe, surrounded by the rich aroma and the variety of leathers on offer. Building relationships over the years with these suppliers has been crucial, allowing me to hand-select hides and have leathers adapted to suit my designs.

With access to some of the world’s finest leathers, I have the freedom—and the responsibility—to bring my dream designs to life. From the first cut to the last stitch, I make each item by hand, finishing with intricate details such as hand-stitching and debossing.

Home from home

All of my crafting takes place at my workshop in Grantham, England - a building I’m proud to call a home away from home: It made a world of difference when I moved into this space in 2018, after years of working in temporary premises. 

This is my place to develop designs, play around with leathers, and spend productive time crafting. I’m often joined by family members who work alongside me, as well as our beloved dogs who keep us company. It wouldn’t be a home without them.

Visitors to the workshop are often fascinated to see the tools of my trade. At first, your eye is drawn to impressive machines including the industial clicker press and sewing machines. But equally important are the smaller, specialised implements like my hand-made leather knives, which have been made bespoke for my patterns to cut millimetre-perfect workpieces.

Ready for life

Mastering my craft has earned me the opportunity to look on with pride – and sometimes a little bit of surprise – as my leather goods are purchased by royals, worn by celebrities including Tyson Fury, and featured on TV programmes like the BBC’s Springwatch and Winterwatch

I like to think that the encouraging response to my leather goods is the result of doing things differently. Many premium brands make leather products that look the part, but lack integrity. The items are not functional, serviceable or ready for what life will throw at them. There’s a disconnect between the premium branding and the dubious supply chains that produce these products.

As a lifelong lover of the outdoors, I’ve always leaned on heavy-duty, functional goods that perform well day-to-day. Whether I’m making a briefcase or a belt, my aim is to achieve that dependable quality in a beautifully finished product. 

Good leather goods are your partners in life. I find it amazing to think that many of my customers will use their Ashley Clarke England products for years to come, and some will pass them on to the next generation. Trust me when I say: it means the world to me when you choose something of mine to take with you on your journey.